Purpose Is a Thinking Model

“The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart – this you will build your life by, this you will become.”


I’ve started a new book this week entitled, “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. Written originally in 1902, Allen reveals the hidden powers and possibilities within yourself by expounding on the importance of thought. Your own thoughts shape your character, circumstance, and destiny, and the control of your own thoughts liberates us from undesirable experiences. In our never-ending pilgrimage to a deeper understanding of life, there is no better prescription than the mastery over the mind.


It is no surprise to you now that I believe steady leadership requires thinking – and thinking often. And people think most effectively when they leverage models to frame their thinking. Having a strong purpose – for your life, for your business – is one of the simplest and, yet, most powerful models you can use to control your thinking.


James Allen shares, “they who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries, fears, troubles, and self-pityings, all of which are indications of weakness.” Nobody is trying to run a weak business; nobody is intending to live their life as a weakling. And if you operate without a purpose in your life or in your business, you will be weak and ultimately fail. There is no way around it. Allen writes that with a strong purpose, you’ll add “effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength.” To be strong, “a man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it.”

Allen asserts that “thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplished anything, and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.” Said another way, all roads will lead to failure when you are operating without purpose. Strong purpose crushes fear and doubt. If you don’t want weakness or failure to prevail, you must make purpose “the centralizing point of [your] thoughts.”

For me, there are three characteristics central to the creation of a great purpose. If you don’t already subscribe to a strong purpose to guide yourself, you can use these to build purpose in your life or in your business.

  1. Your purpose is evergreen. It is the one thing you keep your eyes and your heart focused on without disruption. In spite of any disturbances or transgressions in your physical environment, you will always keep your gaze focused on your strong purpose. Your purpose is your truth and you must always believe in it, wholeheartedly. 

  2. Your purpose perpetually compels you into action. Your purpose should be a natural and infinite source of motivation for you. It encourages you to grow stronger by exerting effort and practice toward the fulfillment of this purpose every day. A great purpose in life or in business requires you to take action to develop and make it a reality.

  3. Your purpose is always about others. The hard truth is that you will quit on yourself. In fact, most people will quit on themselves very easily. But most people will not give up as easily for those they love. When you are dreaming up and committing to your purpose, make it about others. This type of purpose will require love and selflessness. Actions aimed at helping others will always be intentional and confident. When you take actions with such characteristics, your actions will be mighty and strong, and no weakness can overpower you. Your purpose must be about others to truly be impenetrable.

Are you clear about your purpose for your life? Is it about others? How much time do you spend thinking about it and making plans to pursue it? Steady Leaders use the pursuit of their purpose to propel them into action toward future power and triumph.

Steady Leader, Lead Yourself, Business Leader, Leader Think Time, Leaders Think, Habits of the Household, Schuyler Williamson, Protect Your Time, Corporate BattlefieldThinking Time, Leaders Think, Purpose, Why

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Written by Schuyler Williamson

REALTOR. Leader. Veteran. Business Owner. Investor.

Weekly Email List: https://www.schuylerwilliamson.com/weekly-leader-note

God Bless!

~ Schuyler Williamson


Influence is a Leader’s Special Source of Power


Leaders Think Often