that Bring CLARITY to Chaos

By Schuyler Williamson

The Steady Leader, Schuyler Williamson

Lead yourself. Lead your team. Lead your company.

Most people try to target one of these at a time, but the truth is—they all build off each other. Want to lead your team better? Learn how to lead yourself first. Want to lead your company well? Learn how to lead your team.

We can complicate what it means to lead. But at the end of the day, leadership really boils down to taking care of people. It’s about teaching others how to think so that they can get what they want. It’s about enabling people to be and to do their best.

While there’s no formula for great leadership, there are opportunities to “stand on the shoulders of giants,” to follow the example of those that have gone before us, to mimic and adapt techniques that have worked for others. That’s precisely what this book is: a collection of models that will help readers lead better. Each chapter will provide real stories and examples, leadership and business principles, as well as actionable items and advice, with the goal of equipping readers to lead themselves, their teams, and their companies better.